Material Handling
We offer design and manufacture of bespoke and standard stillages; gravity fed racking; trollies; and workstations, predominantly to the automotive industry.
We have the capacity to manufacture, manage and schedule all size orders at very tight deadlines in our 50,000 sq. ft. Co Durham based factory.
With a strong production engineering and design background we have the unique ability to create stillage designs for the most complex of parts, understanding fully your production application.
Having supplied the automotive industry for many years we have developed a clear understanding of quality, cost and delivery expectations.
We can quickly identify and advise on the most efficient and cost effective solution for your needs.
Our aim is to create design options that are fit for purpose simple in design, robust, reflective of our customers’ production and logistics requirements. With our wealth of industry knowledge and experience, we are able to help our customers redesign their stillages to their own requirements, helping to improve overall productivity and save on storage and transportation cost.